Monday, July 27, 2015

Mint Watermelon Salad


When your daily meal plan is nothing but watermelon you can make it a bit more diverse by making a mint watermelon salad.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ukrainian Sweet "Sausage" Recipe


In Ukraine we have a lot of these weird recipes, where we create a sweet version of the salty meal/product. I was really trying to remember more of them to give you a proper idea of what I am talking about here, but unfortunately the results google search provided me with are too much of a cliche and definitely not vegan; it's like when you google "Ukrainian dishes" on the web - you might think that all we eat is meat, lard and sometimes offal stuffed with meat, and offal stuffed with lard or even both. In reality, we eat pretty much the same things, you guys eat on a daily basis and a lot of Ukrainians are going vegan these days.