Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ukrainian Sweet "Sausage" Recipe


In Ukraine we have a lot of these weird recipes, where we create a sweet version of the salty meal/product. I was really trying to remember more of them to give you a proper idea of what I am talking about here, but unfortunately the results google search provided me with are too much of a cliche and definitely not vegan; it's like when you google "Ukrainian dishes" on the web - you might think that all we eat is meat, lard and sometimes offal stuffed with meat, and offal stuffed with lard or even both. In reality, we eat pretty much the same things, you guys eat on a daily basis and a lot of Ukrainians are going vegan these days.

So, google being of no help, I can only give you to examples of weird Ukrainian dishes: Sweet "Sausage" (the recipe I'l be sharing a bit later) and Sweet "Potatoes". These two are pretty much the same, and the only difference between them is the shape. The first one imitates the sausage, the other one is shaped in a form of small potatoes (see my childish pic). The recipe itself is far from "haute cuisine", but still it can be fun to cook something like this for a change (especially if you're not from Ukraine).



400 g vegan sugar cookies
200 g coconut oil
1 cup of sugar
3 tbsp cacao powder
5 tbsp soy milk
1 cup of walnuts (or pecans)


1. Blend half of the cookies in a high speed blender. Put the rest of the cookies in a high speed blend and blend 2 times (the pieces should stay big enough).
2. Blend the walnuts (not to small).
3. Mix cacao powder with sugar in a pan.
4. Add 5 tbsp of milk and mix. Bring it to a boil. Then let it cool a bit.
5. Add in coconut oil and mix until everything is well combined.
6. Start adding the first part of cookies. Mix until it is well combined, then continue by adding walnuts and cookie crumbs until you can form a "sausage".
7. Shape the dough into a sausage, then wrap it in foil and then put it in the freezer for several days.



400 г любого веганского сахарного печенья
200 г кокосового масла
1 чашки сахара
3 столовых ложки какао
5 ст л соевого молока
1 чашка грецких орехов

Способ приготовления:

1. Половину печенья измельчите в блендере. Остальную половину поломайте на мелкие кусочки.
2. В блендере немного измельчите грецкие орехи.
3. Смешайте какао и сахар в кастрюле.
4. Добавьте молоко и доведите массу до кипения. Дайте остыть немного.
5. Добавьте кокосовое масло и хорошо перемешайте массу.
6. Начинайте добавлять печенье и грецкие орехи, пока масса не станет достаточно густой для того чтобы из нее можно было слепить колбаски.
7. Подготовьте фольгу, вылепите колбаски и заверните в фольгу. Храните в морозилке.

Приятного аппетита!

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