Sunday, August 16, 2015
Simple Gazpacho
I've been dying to share this one with you! It's a life saver during this unbearable summer heat. The recipe is simple: it only requires washing, peeling and cutting the ingredients. Leave the rest for your blender!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Lentil Mushroom Pie
the beginning, I thought that the pie was so simple, that I was even ashamed to
post the recipe on the blog, but since you, guys asked for it I started working
on the post itself (when the pie was long gone). First, I wanted to create a “Veganism
for Dummies” section to somehow justify the simplicity of meals I post these
days, but when I started describing the process I realized that this one was
only easy because I had a puff pastry in my freezer made by my mom when she was
here. So I called her and asked how exactly this thing can be made and it turns
out there might have been a science on puff pastry, some sort of puff pastrianism
as the process of making vegan puff pastry is complicated and time consuming.
My advice is whenever you feel like doing puff pastry, make a lot of it and
store it in the freezer. So let’s go!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Mint Watermelon Salad
When your daily meal plan is nothing but watermelon you can make it a bit more diverse by making a mint watermelon salad.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Ukrainian Sweet "Sausage" Recipe
In Ukraine we have a lot of these weird recipes, where we create a sweet version of the salty meal/product. I was really trying to remember more of them to give you a proper idea of what I am talking about here, but unfortunately the results google search provided me with are too much of a cliche and definitely not vegan; it's like when you google "Ukrainian dishes" on the web - you might think that all we eat is meat, lard and sometimes offal stuffed with meat, and offal stuffed with lard or even both. In reality, we eat pretty much the same things, you guys eat on a daily basis and a lot of Ukrainians are going vegan these days.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Curried Hummus
When you're vegan you eat a lot of hummus and at some point you start experimenting. This week I tried to combine both things I love: curry and hummus, and I enjoyed the result.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Chia Walnut Bliss Balls
I have been experimenting a lot with energy balls and these ones are my favorites so far. The recipe is as simple as always. You will need to combine all the ingredients in a blender. So don't be lazy, get up and prepare this nice snack which can be stock in freezer for a very long time.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Lunch Box: Beet Patties with Buckwheat and Black Bean Salad

Homemade is the best. Not only homemade, but your own homemade creation will be the healthiest and the tastiest for you, and no chef can cook it better than you. So why pay a lot for healthy foods which might turn not so tasty and even not so healthy (as we all have a different understanding of"healthy"). Don't be lazy, dedicate up to 1 hour daily to cook meals and take them with you. Seriously, it's killing two birds with one (oh! wait...what? we don't do that! what is the vegan for this proverb?)... So you lose calories while cooking and you can cook low calorie meals when you're the one in charge.
Today I am starting to share the contents of my lunch boxes along with recipes, calorie intake and all the vitamins and minerals you should look for when going on a vegan diet. Hope you will find this helpful.
Friday, May 22, 2015
"Live long, die young" Smoothie
The original name I gave to this one was "Longevity", but then I changed my mind, because I can. So meet my new find - a super healthy and easy-to-make green smoothie. We all love these green ones, as green is linked to "healthy" in our minds, and this one is not an exception: it is packed with protein due to the presence of spirulina and it contains a lot of vitamin C and A, iron and copper, one ripe banana makes it sweet and I guess chlorella adds +1 to "healthy" as well.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Broccoli Soup with Green Peas
I have tried to pack this one with as much protein as I could so I have added peas to broccoli and topped everything with sunflower seeds. Enjoy the recipe! :)
Чтобы увеличить содержание белка в этому супе к брокколи я добавила горошек и семечки подсолнечника. Приятного аппетита!
Чтобы увеличить содержание белка в этому супе к брокколи я добавила горошек и семечки подсолнечника. Приятного аппетита!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Easy Bean Patties
Today I am sharing a very simple bean patty recipe. You don't need much time or any difficult-to-find ingredients to cook these. As usual these ones are packed with plant protein and greens! Enjoy!
Сегодня я делюсь с Вами очень простым рецептом Фасолевых Котлет. Вам понадобится совсем немного времени для их приготовления и плюс этого рецепта в том, что все ингредиенты легкодоступны. Ну и конечно же эти котлеты содержат огромное количество растительного белка и зелени. Приятного аппетита!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Avocado Pumpkin Seed Salad
Everyone knows that tomatoes and avocados are meant to be together. If you add some pumpkin seeds and lettuce you will get everyday salad option.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Carrot Cake Smoothie with Cinnamon Granola
Today I am sharing my favorite winter smoothie recipe. I am a big fan of carrot cake, I simply adore it for its aroma, but unfortunately there is no way you can eat it every day and still stay in shape that is why I have created this healthy alternative.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Comfort Food can be Healthy
Sorry, everyone, I haven't been posting for a while as I am on a business trip in Skopje (Macedonia) and I don't have much time to cook and post. With all the stresses I find it difficult to resist comfort food cravings, that is why I have spent 1 hour this morning preparing these wonderful bliss balls, which will save me from eating "junk".
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Cauliflower Alfredo Soup
Today I am sharing a simple cauliflower soup recipe.
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